تعاونت معنا شركة Signal، الرائدة في مجال الحلول الأمنية المصممة خصيصاً، لإنشاء تطبيق يعمل على تبسيط عمليات التقييم في الموقع وعن بُعد، مما يعزز الكفاءة والدقة في الوقت الذي تنمو فيه

200+ locally-owned franchises

The Challenge

The Signal team conducts security assessments for condominiums and commercial properties, a process that traditionally required assessors to spend up to three days preparing each report. Relying on multiple tools, such as Notetaker, PDF editors and Photoshop, this manual approach was time-intensive and complex. As the company grew rapidly, Signal recognized the need to automate their assessment process, seeking a streamlined solution to save time and improve operational efficiency.

Our Approach and Strategy

The app needed to provide assessors with a seamless, all-in-one tool aligned with Signal’s brand identity for efficient report creation. Close collaboration between Synergy Labs’ design team and Signal’s content and development teams was crucial in achieving this vision.

The project required a flexible, adaptive process to accommodate ongoing adjustments throughout the app’s design and development lifecycle.

4 weeks
to finish the project
Web on React, iOS on Swift, Android on Kotlin
Instant PDFs
Seamless PDF generation for quick reporting
Compressed Images
Built-in image compression for faster uploads


From 3 Days to 3 Minutes

Preparing reports previously took up to three days and required multiple tools. Now, assessors can complete the entire process within a single app, with reports generated automatically. This shift has resulted in a more efficient workflow, reducing both time and costs for Signal.

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